
During Marie’s stint as editor of Metro Parent (a regional parenting magazine for the Portland, Oregon metropolitan area), the magazine garnered over two dozen awards from Parenting Publications of America (now Parenting Media Association), the industry’s national trade organization. Marie also earned several individual awards for her writing during that time, for both feature and essay writing. Here are a few of the comments that accompanied those accolades:

Gold Award – Interview: “Juggling Fatherhood: Rhys Thomas Talks About His Balancing Act” – “Seldom does a Q&A format engage the reader like this piece of work. Juggler and comedian Rhys Thomas is a unique personality, and this interview keeps several balls in the air to help his character shine though.”

Gold and Silver Awards: Editor’s Notes: “A pleasure to read. The topics are relevant but developed with a slight twist. The examples are unexpected and interesting. No sentimental, unenlightening anecdotes here. Strong work.” “The writer uses strong prose, colorful description and informative detail to make her point.”

Gold Award: Overall Writing: “Lots of humanity, lots of personality, lots of description distinguish this writing. When the subject turns serious, as in a well-reported piece on paid family leave, clarity is the prime virtue. Matching tone to content is a key to success.”

Silver Award: Overall Reporting: “When Metro Parent ‘goes deep’ on a subject, the result is satisfying and useful.”

Marie’s book Living Simply with Children, was chosen as one of Working Asset’s (now Credo’s) three “Recommended Reading” books for February 2003. Living Simply with Children was also recommended by the New York Times (book review, June 29, 2004).

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